Monday, September 12, 2011

Deep Breath. :)

Last week was the start of school, the start of 2 girls in soccer, and the start of a new part-time work-from-home job for me. I think it took a little longer than usual to find our school groove, but I think I am finally finding my stride. So a little delayed, but not too bad- the first day of school post. :)

The first day of school was not nearly as highly anticipated as in years past. I think they were both a little nervous because we missed the back to school picnic and they were completely dependent on Jamie to tell them who their teachers were and what friends were in their classes (he got the teachers down, but the friends piece was pretty much a total loss).

One last sister group hug...
3rd grade
5th grade
Last year, we found ourselves running frantically to the bus stop to make it in time, so this year I was more than ahead of schedule for our pick-up. We arrived about 5 minutes early and waited patiently. I snapped all the usual pictures and waited for the bus to come over the horizon to get that final shot of them loading the bus. So we wait and wait. And twenty minutes later, Jamie has abandoned the wait and wished the girls well on their first day. I begin to get a little antsy and concede that maybe somehow I had missed the bus or messed up the time and we head back to the house so I could drive them. No worries- we would just regroup and take the loading the bus picture on day 2 of school. They arrived to school on time and thus begins the 2011-2012 school year. One week in and they are doing great. I am excited to see how they will learn and grow this year.

A 3rd and a 5th grader--how did that happen? I remember when Tori walked down this sidewalk as a kindergartner....sigh.

(Note: I did not miss the bus. The bus finally passed our house about 25 minutes after our scheduled pick up, but there was no way the girls (or I) could have waited that one out).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If anyone can get into the groove, it's you Gretchen. Wishing you a wonderful year!