Sunday, April 19, 2009

One of the more difficult things we have had to explain to the girls is why we live away from family. Jamie and I have never lived by family during our almost 12 year marriage. The girls love living in Minnesota, but anytime we are with family in Ohio or Iowa, they get a little sad. At young ages, they have learned the lesson that obeying God is the most important thing, no matter where that lands you. Last time we left Iowa, Tori said, "Why did God choose us out of all the families to live away?" (all our cousins, grandparents, Aunts and Uncles all live by each other). Poor thing.

So, I tell them they are doubly blessed, because we don't just have Ohio family and Iowa family, but we have Minnesota family and Pennsylvania family, too.

And our Minnesota family came through in a big way this week. The past two years my mom or Jamie's mom has been able to come to Grandparent's Day at school, but this year nobody was going to be here. Tori came home from school frantic on Tuesday that it was Grandparent's Day and it was Isabelle's first Grandparent's Day and she had to have someone to go with her. She told me she needed to call Randy and Shannah immediately to ask if one of them could come...

"Grandpa" Randy saves the day!!! :)

Living away from family is not the easiest thing, but I am so thankful and blessed for the family God has given us every place that we have lived.


mrsmarkdave said...

Wow! What a servant's heart your daughter has to think of her sister!!!

Richardson Family said...

Tell Randy he is not old enough to be a Grandpa! But so glad he could go!

Lisa said...

this story melted my heart. love the petersons :) i remember what a huge deal grandparents day was, so i know it must have meant the world to them to be able to "show off" Randy :)

Tara said...

Love this heart is warmed.

Sheila said...

I know the feeling of being away from family. So since you all were my family in Minneapolis I just wanted to remind you that you also have some family in North Dakota also.

Unknown said...

This made me cry a little bit. OK, who am I kidding, A LOT! I am glad you have a good Grandparent in MN. I love that you listen to God's call. I am SO thankful He just called me to Philadelphia because I definitely don't know how I could ever leave my parents.

Amy said...

sweet cousins!!!!!

Sandi said...

so sweet!!!...

Unknown said...

I saw this post today and thought of you, my journal LOVING friend!

Anonymous said...

Excellent post, Gretchen. I can relate to it in so many areas. Thank God for the grace He gives us no matter where we are. And how wonderful that your children (along with mine) can learn these concepts at such young ages.

Marissa said...

Gotta love that sad face Tori gives...

Anonymous said...

Please let Tori and Isabelle know that the grandparents feel the pain of separation too! Also, thanks Randy for filling in. Grandpa Phil and Grandma Sue

kasey said...

It is hard living away from family especially when special events come up! We don't have it too bad with Rex's parents living a hour away and mine living 2-1/2 hrs. away, but still with that, I can't wait for the day we can move back to Ohio (that is if God allows us too!) There is just something about being right down the road from family! I am glad that you have a family away from home!