Monday, January 05, 2009

My friend Becky recommended I do my "Top ten photos of 2008". Well, I don't know if these are my top ten (okay, fine, top 13--I have quite a few photos) but these ones seemed to strike a chord with me as I looked back on the year 2008.

New friends who have become familiar and comfortable friends...even if they weren't in our same class at school ;)

New fish- who no one takes care of now but me and who no one seems to care about until we go away and someone else has to watch them...

New adventures, especially Isabelle starting kindergarten and lots of little ones in between...

Old friends coming to visit and visiting old friends....

Special time spent with the Miller and Stafford side of the family...

My church--we have had a lot of goodbyes this year which hasn't been super fun, but these are the people who live life with me and help me look more like Jesus. I am blessed.

Oh, and last but not least, the everyday faces that make my world go 'round. They make 2008 and every year amazing.


Happy 2009 Everyone!


Heidi said...

What a wonderful 2008! It was nice to sit around with you guys and just hang out for a little while last night! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

what wonderful pictures and praise God you had such a great 2008ยช!

Unknown said...

I love it so much : ). Your blog is perfect. Filled with pictures and heart filled thoughts.

Richardson Family said...

Love the pictures, I'm partial to the first one!

Jules from "The Roost" said...

I love your photos! Thanks for adding your name to the list.

Unknown said...

I came to look again. I mean, I came to read a new blog post, but since there isn't one here, I just looked at the pictures again. AND I love them! I just love them!