Poncahontas (or "Ponsi"hontas as Jamie was cleverly calling her)
Dorothy and Todo (just for Tara)
And our baby butterfly....(she would only take pictures if I let her have the bubbles)
Macie's first time "hitting the pavement"....
Pastor Gary and Mary stopped over to see the Pocahontas costume (Mary made it for their little girl who wore it about 10-12 yrs ago so they were waxing nostalgic...)
Our usual stopover to see the Petersons and visit our favorite dog Jasper
"open dis, Peez"
Happy Halloween.
I was thinking of you guys and your Dorothy last night! The girls look aweseome, Macie's smile is priceless. Hope you had fun.
Ok, Tori makes a perfect Dorothy. And of course, I love those red sparkly shoes. I'm glad that we were still able to enjoy our pumpkin carving tradition with the girls, albeit a bit pre-maturely this year, but still, as Isabelle said, "We are spending QUALITY TIME together!" and I can completely hear Macie saying "open dis peez" just like that. i love it. Too cute.
oh, and I love how isabelle's hair is long enough for pigtail braids now!!
SUPER cute!
Oh my gosh : ). Such a sweet post! Even though I saw all of the pictures last night on facebook it was a DELIGHT to see them again!
I love sentimental costumes. Ponsihontas was adorable. Everybody was. Are they the best kids in America, or what? : )
The girls are adorable, and the pizza totally ROCKS!!!
hey sweetie! i found you from Heidi's blog!!! your family is precious!!! and sooo sooo cute!
come on over and visit my blog some day soon! ;)!
It's so exciting to see the non-princesses this year!!!! I love all 3. Rory LOVES the Dorothy costume (and obviously, I do too!). She pointed out EVERY SINGLE Dorothy in Jake's school parade last week. Too bad we don't live close enough to borrow...
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