Monday, August 25, 2008

I actually was having so much fun being "Coach Gretchen" this past week at the Shooting Clinic my church put on, that I failed to take a picture of myself as a "baller" (Don't worry--I have included some that other people took and passed on to me). ;) All the Miller girls had a great week at camp and Macie had a great time reading Dora books, watching Moose A. Moose and spotting airplanes with her babysitters every night.

Of course, one of the best parts of camp was having our good friend Occhy come to stay with us for the week...he is definitely the girls and my favorite Italian.


Tara said...

I've never seen you as a baller--just a volleyballer. =) Looks fun!

Full of JOY said...

ok. mace is skinny. what the heck?!!

Anonymous said...

Before I read the post, I was looking at the pictures thinking "is that Gretchen?"! OK--If you get to coach, how come DJ never lets me.(No response from Jamie please.)

gretchen said...

Katie, DJ should totally let you are great with kids. I did play basketball, for the high school, a very long time ago.

Unknown said...

So cool! Did the girls want to be on your team? I have to show Kaishon this because he loves Orange so he will be glad to see your orange shirts : )!