Thursday, May 01, 2008

Day 7:

Today was a really quiet day. No petting zoos, carnivals or dinners out--I didn't even take one picture today. We had homemade pizza and the girls went to bed early. And after they were all in bed, I got to enjoy one of my favorite things--the company of a good friend. Katie from my church came over and we watched The Office and 27 Dresses. And then I got online and spent some time instant messaging with Abby. I am so thankful for the great women God has brought into my life, especially my GC Ladies. Sweet Dreams!


Full of JOY said...

yippee for late night chats!!! :) thanks for that....

Marissa said...

wow Gretchen... you were up late tonight! I'm thinking you won't be up and on the treadmill and showered before the girls are up this morning!

Eric said...

mmm mmm mmmmmmm.....your homemade pizza...I'll take that over German food anyday!

Tara said...

I'm glad you've been keeping so busy. I was supposed to go see 27 Dresses tonight at the dollar theatre but my friend's plans changed...

gretchen said...

no Marissa...I was definitely not up before the girls--I woke up to Macie playing in her crib and the girls rustling around in their room. =) Oh well.