Saturday, March 17, 2007

I'm just sayin....

Believe me..most of the drama comes from the girls in our house. But this afternoon I watched the big, strong man of our house put on quite the emotional roller coaster display. In the course of two hours this afternoon I saw him jumping up with excitement, pounding on our many couch pillows with frustration, begging forgiveness from a college student that he has complained about all season, and laying (that's right) laying on the floor in complete despair (just to name a few). And at one point when the precious Buckeyes were down 3 with 9.3 seconds to go and Xavier had a guy on the free throw line poised to pretty much ice the game, he told the announcer to be quiet when he said the Buckeyes still had plenty of time, even though he had just said the exact thing in his last breath. Now, don't get me wrong--I love the passion. Yaay! for passion. And I am not claiming that there is anything wrong with this behavior (I have paced through my share of Ohio State football games). But, you know, being a part of the "gentler sex" we take a lot of grief for being, well, not-so emotionally stable, and I'm not trying to make this a debate of men vs. women (that would just be silly). I'm just sayin...


Tara said...

I'm with you sister! I experience what you experience, and you know I am usually the dramatic one in this household. Oh for the days when we rode the emotional roller coaster together...

The Meantime said...
